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Branch Out is a medium-sized Social Club for Single people. It was formed in 1994 to bring together single, divorced, widowed and separated people, aged 40 upwards, from the Herts, Beds and Bucks area, to socialise and enjoy one anothers company. …. The club organises regular events, such as dinners, discos, meals, parties, Sunday walks, theatre & concert visits, day & weekend trips and holidays. These allow members to mix with a wide variety of Branch Out people, and perhaps meet someone else with similar interests. …. The club meets every Monday night from 8.30pm to 11pm in the Cromwell Bar of the Sun Hotel, Sun Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1AF Please come along one Monday evening and meet the organisers and members of the club. Branch Out has over 130 members of different ages and walks of life. For the members, there is a regular newsletter giving details of events planned over the following months. Events are also announced on Monday evenings. …. New visitors may attend for up to three weeks, for a fee of £2.50 for the first night (receiving an information pack) and for two more nights at a visitors fee of £2 before joining the club. Non members may also attend the Bank Holiday Discos in the Ballroom for a fee of £10, if signed in by a member. There is a small annual membership fee of £24 to cover printing, postage, etc. …. Branch Out is a non-profit organisation, whose objective is to bring together like-minded people to meet and socialise, and give each member the opportunity to get a little more enjoyment out of life. …. Please visit the Branch Out website to see what events are planned for the next few months – see .

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